Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Buy Vicodin Es Online Can You Buy Prescription Drugs (i.e. Vicodin) Online?

Can you buy prescription drugs (i.e. Vicodin) online? - buy vicodin es online

Before anyone has the wrong idea, no, I'm not addicted. In fact, only began to Vicodin for two weeks. I take my wisdom tooth and my dentist gave me a prescription only ten pills. I do not take all day, and if they take only half a pill because I try to make the drug past. My dentist gave me simply to withdraw. I have no dental insurance or have enough money, and I try to surgery. I needed four teeth removed under general anesthesia, and it cost me about $ 2,000 in his pocket. If you do not buy online, what no one else knows who will help the pain of wisdom teeth? It is particularly difficult in the night, and I begin to press, because it is with this pain every day and my medication almost disappeared. I do not write me a prescription for others if I do? :-( Please advise us.


kmr1234 said...

To take an NSAID during the day and save the Vicodin for the night.

Born Again Atheist said...

You can get them at low prices from Mexico without a prescription. Just do a search on Google and the search for several Mexican companies.

Melissa L said...

I do not think you can apply online without a prescription.

mysti said...

Most dentists) recommend taking NSAIDs such as Advil (ibuprofen and you can 4 (take 200 mg) tablets at once. Forget about trying to find Vicodin or other narcotics on the Internet. It is illegal and extremely dangerous. If you are ill and suffering that ibuprofen does not help, talk to your dentist again. Maybe she can help return to a low-cost or free installation, you.

Aryeh said...

http://www.myhomeremedies.com/topic.cgi? ...

LuvzPinK said...

I went through this shit w / my own wisdom and B4 has taken too long, we have tried to make the same money (together enough to pay for it!) Anyway, I ended up w / ATM heavy B / C and one or you can do is ask your dentist if thats going to allow you to pay in installments rather than all at once painful toothache did.Another u know me as something to issues related to the fight, he is never the case, thats stuff u can get low dose, over seas may or TEC-dose Tylenol w / codeine and candidates no i dont think ur an addict just b / cu Want to B in pain! My nephews are affected for months and can not avoid over-or dentist, or been in hospital three times tho 20! So many things or reach the point of having shot where the dam U Want! I ,,,,,,,, good luck or

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