Girls, Tampons or Pads?? - girls changing tampons videos
In your opinion, what is the best tampons or sanitary pads? Please explain why you, like the ones you want.
Use towels, but I think the switch to tampons.
What is your opinion?
Guys, please do not respond!
I buffer for the first 2 years, my time and then to the buffer to be transferred in my opinion the best way. You can not feel at all! I'm not afraid of the periods, especially periods of summer, if you want to go swimming and can not! This is the worst.
What happens is that it is quite intimidating with a buffer for the first time. It took a few months to really work, to see first, "a" box of tampons or sanitary pads novice coach. "They are much smaller and for people who are not yet used, and are much easier to implement.
Once you get used to it, go to the regular pads. The best (are) until now, "Tampax Pearl, which are quite big, really well done and easy to perform. Do not worry about it is to remain, if you (really archaic use tampons no cardboard or something, ugh!), Vu is one of the easiest part. Just pull a string!
This is just my opinion. Be sure to wear, padding overnHT and buffer change every 8 hours (4 or 5 hours is better during the day, heavy), but it's really rare super TV, so nothing to fear.
I like to go to take land and beautiful, but the pads if I will be near them with pants and everything.
I like tampons because it is difficult to be nice to provide a platform to large and thick to use, but I like the pills, they do not often worry about the changes, and those who always sleep in.
I encourage you to try tampons, "the pearl" Applicators (Wal-Mart brand is as good as the brand), and remember, sometimes also use the towel because it's good to have a buffer, at any time.
I prefer tampons, diapers, but the use of the night.
I like tampons, because I am clean and feel good. Remember to change it every 3-4h in order to avoid problems. I use Tampax Compact () with the plastic applicator.
Pads I recommend using the smallest size at first - it will be easier and more convenient for you to learn, to their in. In addition, "super" or "Heavy Flow" are those associated infections and other things - the small gut .
Pads, Kotex free & Soft Using Ultra with wings ... Whether you sleep (mainly because we can not leave a mark on the time, whatever the package says).
I can not do the towels, because I'm allergic so I say to have a buffer. I prefer the Pearl brand. The applicator is not as difficult as the board cards and the applicator, are less messy. The positive side of this buffer is more active than it can with the seat cushions, such as swimming and others that are less obvious. Hope this helps!
Pills are good when they are young and new directions for the period. Tampons are great, but if you are ready for them. It can be difficult to translate at first. but it's worth it. No chaos --- Now that you normally use and find the size (reg, heavy flow, etc.) works best for you.
I use Kotex tampons --- I think they are lighter and have a good grip. but at night you are sure that the pills use for me to get my body a break when the buffer during the day.
Remember, you also need to change tampons frequently during the day to avoid the risk of TCC to. Good luck.
Tampons all the way. They feel more feminine and sometimes you forget that you are on your time. The cushions are still there and you can not wear sexy lingerie ... You can also feel really blobby!
Tampons - try Lilette, Tampax, Kotex, Playtex. These are the four best in my opinion x
I use scented tampons, Playtex Sport (yes I know, say the fragrant are bad, but I've used for 4 years and nothing happens). That is more comfortable than pads. who wants to sit in his own blood ewwww = P You'll feel much better with a tampon, because you feel you can go swimming, all sports, and you forget that you are on your period.
Tampons are my favorites. Pillows tend to feel worse. Besides, I have never used the pill really given full coverage. And there's always made the sound when I arrived! In any case, I recommend Tampax Pearl. They are my fave.
lol, I'm afraid to use tampons. I fear that they will be blocked.
I do not know how the pillow, I think, a buffer is cleaner, but as I said, I'm afraid of them, so just use pads: /
I began my time and I'm using tampons. I like the Playtex Sport. It is a pink and green box with a picture of a girl playing tennis on it. very comfortable, not feel at all!
I prefer tampons over pads .... I feel much cleaner. My favorites are Tampax Pearl, or something with a plastic applicator.
If I use towels .... Always Ultra Thin.
I'm using. I use Tampax Pearl in the days and a pillow at night (usually long and thin wings) prevent the escape, because you do not leave a tampon, too many consecutive hours.
I'm using. I use Tampax Pearl in the days and a pillow at night (usually long and thin wings) prevent the escape, because you do not leave a tampon, too many consecutive hours.
I'm using. I use Tampax Pearl in the days and a pillow at night (usually long and thin wings) prevent the escape, because you do not leave a tampon, too many consecutive hours.
Tampons! U can not feel at all! U can even swim with them! They feel much better and not feel of diapers! Playtex Sport definitely recommend smooth sliding Playtex!
Freestyle tampons.
its much more convenient, but also makes you feel cleaner.
Playtex I love sports, because they have a protective layer and opens 360 degrees. but u need a high intake of legislation may be used, because they leak like mine, if you do not haha
Playtex leaf Gentel
If you are the first buffer aclliplicator thin.
Definitely use Playtex gentle glide, works like a charm
Always Pads
Always Pads
Always Pads
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