Friday, February 12, 2010

Tasco Space Station 114x500mm Telescope What Could You See With A 30x30 Tasco Telescope?

What Could You See With A 30x30 Tasco Telescope? - tasco space station 114x500mm telescope

As far as we can see in the room?

What kind of telescope is needed to see Mars.
In addition, the twins have the same job?


Geoff G said...

My first answer is not so! "But I realized that is what Galileo had with the first telescope and discovered the craters on the moon and the moons of Jupiter with him. A telescope with only 30 mm of opening is something more than a toy that would do that much better with 10x50 binoculars. The question is not to see how far in space, but low and you can see how detail can be resolved. Also will we see with the naked eye, the Andromeda galaxy 2.5 million light-years away.

Mars is a big challenge for any telescope. Although at its next (no more than a decade) shows almost nothing, but in one of the larger telescopes and better amateur. Jupiter and Saturn are much more rewarding, but SatuRN is a time for the next two years in its rings nearly edge-on to us, and therefore almost invisible. Jupiter is easy in any telescope, but in the best locations of 150 mm or more. It is really the minimum size for the satisfaction of observing the moon, planets and deep sky objects.

Here are some websites with good information on beginner telescopes: ... ...

For more extensive information, read Phil Harrington Starware, 4 Edition (Wiley).

You get the best value for your money with a Newtonian reflector on a Dobsonian mount, such as the following: / Categor ...

Buy from a store that specializes in the purchase telescopes and astronomy, either locally or online, not in department stores, discount stores or eBay, as is everything they sell junk. Find your local astronomy club and try different telescopes at one of its groups of stars: ...

suitti said...

IMO, is the enlargement of 30x through a telescope characterized by 30 mm. I have a 22x60 spotting scope, and consider everything to be dominated more than 30x. Often, when they make a mistake like this, others do. Until the circuit is unstable, especially in the wind, and we expect that the form (if any) are difficult to bring the most important area of law, and not stay focused. I look forward to Tasco 30x30 basically suck.

It is a quasar at 2 million light years. It looks like a star, ie a point. Basically, all objects for the star for all telescopes. There are exceptions, like the sun, and for professionals in the fields astronomically expensive, a little more.

In opposition, Mars can show the polar ice caps and some properties of the surface to 8 inches (200 mm) telescope. AndWe must view the properties of the surface.

In 8x21 binoculars, Saturn has a strange way.

I have seen with the rings of Saturn in different 8x42 binoculars. It was ideal conditions. The rings were the best advice, sky conditions are excellent, I have a tripod. It is not normal that people can see the rings at 8x too. These are new binoculars $ 400.

The rings of Saturn in detail is systematic in the power of 22x60 spots.

The Cassini division in the rings can be seen in an 8 "(200 mm) when the field is already good or very good 6" (150 mm) refractor. The 8 "reflector is less expensive.

Binoculars are targeted only the pairs of fields. I use 8x21 binoculars ($ 50) to find the things in heaven, but then it is with my telescope(eg 48x254) ($ 800). You can) 16 "telescope (400x400 - essentially Newtonian telescope, with two beds may have to be transported in a wheelbarrow in a car. Only $ 10k.

Martyn G said...

It would be better with a good pair of binoculars. Many astronomers, including those with telescopes cost several thousand dollars per pound, have a pair of binoculars as well. Vision (both eyes when the picture is not really the sky stereo) and adds a magical dimension and clarity.

Find something that they extend not intend to .. Mush can not be more than 10x to 25x, but it is as a possible target goal great .. 50mm is great, but it can be a bit hard to take.

A telescope 30x30 is a waste of money. OPIC generally too poor quality, so I can not do what you see.

You can buy really good telescope for beginners .. Look for things like a 125mm Netwonian .. these things can be purchased for about $ 150.

Things like: ...
... are excellent ways to start, but the twins are the best to accustom them to learn to navigate the sky.

(Equivalents are widely) distributed in the United States.

Especially if you want to see the planet, you can pay more to increase, because the planets are bright, especially Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Not even try to see Mercury to believe because it is so close to the sun burns the eyes. Seriously .... All telescopes are equipped with a warning of blindness, with an immediate overview of the sun through a telescope. Venus is almost as dangerous, but possible if you know what you are doing .. it is better to receive advice FROm experienced astronomers ... There are clubs in the vicinity of most people.

A cost-Newton telescope is good to see the planets because they have a sufficient optical quality and a so-called "Barlow" put to the lens before it .. multiplied by 2x or 3x magfification the basic framework. Do not be tempted to exaggerate, but .. You a much clearer picture of a low-power magnification receive a poor but high.

Chandramohan P.R said...

30x30 is the increase is 30 times the diameter of the objective 30mm.It can be used to see the moons of Jupiter, the terminator of the moon, the rings of Saturn, etc.
The details of the surface of the planet requires a very large telescope
Binoculars are good to see the constellations, comets, but the movement of the hand is a problem for people without experience.

Dhruv S said...

Telescope to develop, clarify, clear light.
And take plenty of light and produce small parts, but
Up Side Down this image if no additional lens
It would be good

Tina L said...

not much. Tasco Telescopes is known to be garbage.

You can Mars with the naked eye.

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