Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Financial Processes Can Anyone Explain Me (or Show A Link) The Cause And Effects Of The Financial Crisis In The World Nowdays?

Can anyone explain me (or show a link) the cause and effects of the financial crisis in the world nowdays? - financial processes

I really do not understand complex financial processes, but I would like to know more about this matter,


GhostWri... said...

To put it in understandable terms:

Loans> in the federal funds rate were to individuals and organizations that exhibited the lowest rating
> This is an increase in revenue guidance of his own run, but the exposure to high risks
> With the rising interest rates and inflation. Oil prices, so that these individuals and organizations that were unable to pay their loans
> Financial intermediaries that offer loans, lost, and, finally, bankruptcy

You can find a way to purchase credit card and then not pay.


manthebr... said...

In a nutshell: A bunch of deadbeat Amerikan no credit, they have no work houses they could not afford to buy, but lied to get loans .. if they do not, payments, there were enough of them even has the global financial institutions.

khayum p said...

Indiscrimanate loans without sufficient collateral, which eventually became ill and forced eroded Corpus TheOriginal financial institution and, bankruptcy.

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